Sunday, March 27, 2016

Day 250: Down 40lbs 29/m

Last week I officially hit the 40 lb bench mark for losing weight. I've also reached day 250 in MyFitnessPal. Long story short, like many others here, I was always a bigger kid. Never quite 100% comfortable in my body but never had enough motivation to do anything about it. I've "rollercoastered" up and down 20 lbs my entire life.

Fast forward to last July. I was getting over horrible depression from my mom passing away, dealing with a new job that at the time wasn't going so great, and being dad to three kids under the age of 3. I was the heaviest I have ever been, 250lbs is what my fitbit tells me (synced with aria scale). I was lazy, unmotivated, eating like crap and overall felt like crap.

I was having a conversation with my wife when she was bugging me what I wanted for my bday (also in july). After pretty much avoiding the conversation (yay depression) she asked me if i would be offended if she bought me a gym membership. In the 10 years previously she's seen my lose/gain the +-20lbs but saw how much better i did with a gym routine.

I reluctantly agreed (I knew it would be good for me to get over the depression at minimum). Soon after the first couple trips to the gym I knew i needed a plan. My father is an ex-bodybuilder so getting a weight regimen was never an issue. However, I knew this would require more than kicking my ass in the gym for a few hours a week. Ultimately, I found this sub and figured out the idea behind calorie counting. I started with roughly 2190 calories a day. I stuck to the budget and the 3/week running/lifting regimen. Slowly but surely I was losing the 1-2 pounds a week.

here are few before/after photos.

My original goal weight was 220 from 250 but i've since moved it down to 205. I'm currently at 208. I've just recently switched my focus from true weight loss to now bulking up a bit. I'm now on a ~1900 calorie limit but doing everything in my power to get 200g of protein in a day. Let's just say "low cal" protein drinks are my friend now.

Either way, just wanted to share my story. For those looking to start, just do it. Its not easy, but the tracking calories turns into routine. I still very much have pizza, ribs, cake etc but leverage my calories to allow it. Its amazing how a protein drink in teh AM, a salad for lunch and then a few slices of pizza for dinner can still fit into your allotted calories. Of course, dont do it everything but definitely have fun, just stay disciplined :)

submitted by /u/nickfb76
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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