Thursday, March 31, 2016
For those of you who use fitness trackers: why is yours the one I should buy??
Do bodyweight exercises require warmups?
Bigger Biceps restricting range of motion?
Does anybody else get shaky when doing intense ab work?
Is there a pre-workout (PWO) that doesn't have caffeine in it but still works well?
Survival Fitness: What Fitness Benchmarks Could Save Your Life?
Need help with situps.
If I could cut one thing from my diet...
Squat form check (220 lbs) @ 152 BW
Deadlifting and Knees
How do people increase their squats etc so easily?
Bad to lift same muscle each day?
Does cardio have negative effect of strength?
The Failure of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign
A focus on exercise before getting rid of added sugars is pretty much doomed to fail. Not even kids can outrun a bad diet.
Here’s a short summary of the problem followed by a very ambitious feature:
Dunk the Junk: The Failure of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign
Politico: The Great FLOTUS Food Fight
Eventually we’re simply going to have to accept that a focus on calories and exercise is not going to solve this problem, because it’s not caused by calories or a lack of exercise.
The obesity epidemic is caused by poor food quality (primarily too much sugar and refined carbs) and likely the only way to solve it is to improve food quality.
4.4 out of 5 stars5 star72%4 star14%3 star4%2 star3%1 star6%191 ratings19115:58
4.6 out of 5 stars5 star73%4 star15%3 star7%2 star0%1 star3%64 ratings6436:26
How To Help Transition Your Children To Low-Carb Real Food
Chile to Eliminate Junk Food from Schools
“10-Year-Old Gives Mindblowing Reply To Talk Show Host”
The post The Failure of Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign appeared first on Diet Doctor.
from Diet Doctor
best tasting BCAAs?
Deadlift Form Check
Any advice for strength and balance training with one slightly bowed leg
What are home exercises for the upper back?
Looking for a jogging buddy!
Is it okay to ask someone in the gym for form help?
Need help figuring out ideal weight
Do strong people not use machines?
Ears feel stopped up when lifting
Have to work from 9am to 10pm for a month. Planning to train in early mornings.
If I am following specific dieting, should I work out?
I don't eat much, should I bother working out? (More info in description)
This is a supposed 1 year transformation from Kinobody, do you guys think this is plausible?
Month and a half in stronglifts and loving it, but upper body strenght is a problem
Are Personal Trainers worth it?
Physically intense job, but I'm not fit at all
Quick question about resting
If I cut at a 400cal deficit for 6 days of the week and have a cheat day at 2400cal surplus on the 7th day did I just end up nowhere?
Lifting on a PSMF
How long before building muscle is out weighed by burning fat and the scale reflects weight loss?
Does Low Carb Have a Cholesterol Problem?

Can a low-carb diet be bad for your cholesterol? No… and maybe.
Most people get great cholesterol values on a low-carb diet. The only thing that usually goes up is the good HDL cholesterol, which is great. This has also been shown in studies, where people on average improve their cholesterol and reduce their risk.
But a minority of people may get significantly higher bad LDL cholesterol, whatever type of measurement we do. Is this dangerous? Nobody knows for sure. So what do we do? Ignore it?
Dr. Sarah Hallberg (of TEDx fame) says no – we can’t ignore these people. In this presentation from the recent low-carb conference in Vail she discusses what we should do instead – and how to think about your cholesterol on a low-carb diet.
Watch it
You can watch the whole presentation on our member site:
LCHF and LDL – Full presentation with Dr. Hallberg
Start your free membership trial to watch it instantly – as well as video courses, movies, interviews, more presentations, Q&A with experts, etc.
Also from Low Carb Vail 2016
4.7 out of 5 stars5 star90%4 star0%3 star0%2 star9%1 star0%21 ratings2111:17
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5.0 out of 5 stars5 star100%4 star0%3 star0%2 star0%1 star0%27 ratings2739:01
4.6 out of 5 stars5 star75%4 star15%3 star5%2 star5%1 star0%20 ratings201:02:45
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More with Dr. Hallberg
“Reversing Type 2 Diabetes Starts with Ignoring the Guidelines”
Dr. Sarah Hallberg Talks Low Carb and Diabetes on FOX, Plans Clinical Trial
Dr. Sarah Hallberg’s blog, Facebook, YouTube.
The Diet Doctor Guide
What to Do if You Get Elevated Cholesterol on Low Carb
The post Does Low Carb Have a Cholesterol Problem? appeared first on Diet Doctor.
from Diet Doctor
Zucchini and Walnut Salad
A very green low-carb salad that goes great as a side dish to meat or fish.
Alternatively serve by itself together with cold cuts, boiled eggs, smoked salmon, canned tuna fish or mackerel.
The post Zucchini and Walnut Salad appeared first on Diet Doctor.
from Diet Doctor
As a novice lifter, I just wanted to ask some adivce and recommendations on a workout routine that I will be following
Feedback on Powertec leverage home gym
Combined exercises and activities for two people with different goals?
Nutrition (and Supplement) Thursday
Form issue - Pelvic pull on squats
Is leaning forward a bit fine when squatting (Especially if you're new to it?) I can not go straight down/ATG. My butt is always way off the ground.
Haven't worked out for 8 months, how long till I'm back? (pics)
I have a standing desk, does standing a lot throughout the day hurt my recovery, compared to just sitting?
If I can only get 5 -7 hours of sleep a night...
What is your favourite obscure or forgotten exercise?
I'm cutting for the first time and I made up a schedule. Would really appreciate feedback.
Small Calves Syndrome...
This is pure BS, I'm not stupid, right?!
Everyone's weight fluctuates but how much does yours normally?
More Low-Carb Challenge Success
So what could happen if you were to take the challenge? Here’s feedback from this week:
I am very happy to report that I lost 6 pounds (female 66) and my partner (Male 66) lost 10. We love the food and never feel hungry…
Cheers Lesley
I thought the challenge was great. Excellent way to get started on the low carb lifestyle. My pants are less snug!!!
I hope you continue to give meal ideas and suggestions.
Thanks, this was easier than I thought it would be. I was not hungry after the first 2 days. I love this way of eating.
Dr. Andreas,
I am retired but active. My belly fat started growing and my wife has diabetes type 2. We knew and prayed for a solution for our health, especially for my wife. Her glucose level was coming out over 200 at least twice a day. Our son saw Sarah Hallberg on Tedx and recommended we watch it. It rang a bell because it all finally made sense. One of her recommended sites was yours, so being anxious for more information, we went there and were so impressed with the layout, the amount of information and the 2 week challenge.
Now after completing the 2 week challenge, my wife is using insulin only 1 a day or when her level is over 130. We both feel so much better!!! We have more energy and do not have the heavy feeling a little while after eating. One other amazing thing has happened to me. My headaches have stopped. I have lived with one for years. It just varied in intensity. I don’t know if I had an allergy to sugar or gluten. Either way, I feel great!
Thank you so much for your excellent way of “getting the truth out.” We are totally convinced of the LCHF way of eating. Funny thing is that we are not really tempted by the “sugary” stuff now, because we know the benefits of eating correctly.
We pray that many more people struggling with diabetes will heed your counsel.
BTW, I am signing up to be a member today.
Appreciatively yours,
My husband, my 17 year old daughter and I participated in the challenge. We all had success with weight loss and the meals were good. My husband and I are continuing with a strict carb restriction and my daughter is eating less than she was and making better choices when she does eat carbs. I am an emotional eater, so this diet seems to take much of the power out of food.
Thank you.
I thought the low carb challenge was well organized. I liked having leftovers for lunch the day and the variety…
Though I live in Kansas now, I lived in France for over 5 years and really appreciate the more international perspective you give. Your review of the various diet pills on the market currently was really helpful. Because of it, I declined the Qysmia perscription my doctor offered. Knowing that it is the “stupid pill” and not approved in Europe was enough to make me say “thanks but no thanks”.
The daily emails were helpful and informative. It wasn’t just the same information over and over, you had a good variety of health related subjects.
I had started LCHF eating a couple of weeks before starting the challenge, but the challenge really helped me clean up my eating, it educated me on sugar alcohols (I had no idea they do actually effect blood sugar) and various other things to avoid. I have lost 15 lbs in the past 5 weeks. My weight loss has now slowed to about 1-2 pounds per week.
I lost 8 pounds and an inch from my chest, so I’m pretty pleased. I’m going to continue with the LCHF. I definitely wasn’t hungry, and I slept a lot better!…
I’m trying to get my husband to do it. He doesn’t have any baby weight to lose like I do, but he doesn’t sleep well, and I’m hoping this would be a good fix for him.
Hello, Dr. Eenfeldt.
…The two-week challenge is such a good idea. The time period is not so long that you can’t get through it, but long enough that you get past the LCHF side effects (leg cramps!) far enough to know that it’s a good eating plan.
I last visited your site in 2013 and I can see that it has improved greatly. In addition to the challenge, there is a great deal more information. I especially like the pictures of food types with the carb counts showing least (left side) to most (right side). That makes it extremely easy to make good choices. I really like all the short videos as well.
The challenge daily e-mails are very helpful as reminders of what to do each day. It helped keep me on track. I also set up an RSS feed to your blog and find the entries interesting and informative.
You’ve done a great job with meal plans and recipes. The only suggestion I have that might make things easier for people, is to create meals that don’t involve cooking—I’m specifically thinking of people like me who work and don’t have access to a kitchen or microwave at lunchtime. Sometimes the leftovers from the night before just don’t taste good cold. Perhaps create some meals that can be prepared ahead of time for brown-bagging it (or maybe put in a cooler)? (Is brown-bagging it only an American thing?)…
Thank you for this wonderful plan.
My husband and children enjoyed the recipes. And i feel so much better, no more sugar cravings.
What i most liked was the ease in following the plan as everything is listed and organized made it so simple.
Thank you again.. i will continue this lifestyle!
Hi Andreas
I really loved the 2 week challenge and lost 5lb in the first week. I didn’t lose anything the second week (neither did I put on though) but I’m going to continue on and hope that weight loss catches up.
My whole family really enjoyed every single recipe – we’ve never eaten so well! The advice to make sure there are leftovers for lunch the next day is excellent. I’ve always struggled to think what to have at lunchtime so it’s been great to have something delicious ready and waiting for me.
Thank you so much for taking the trouble to put the plan together. I honest can’t think of any way it could be improved.
Kind regards
Dear Andreas
I really enjoyed the two week challenge. The recipes were surprisingly good-my family supported me by joining in and they too thought the food was exciting. I also learnt a lot and found your daily emails both informative and supportive. I read Robert Lustig’s book – Fat Chance during the challenge and I can recommend it to all. As far as weight loss is concerned, I did not lose that much (4lb) but we all intend to continue with LCHF because we feel so much better and to introduce intermittent fasting in order to reach my goal.
I don’t think I can offer any suggestions to improve your challenge-it’s perfect as it is.
Many thanks
Dear Dr Eenfeldt
The two week challenge was amazing, it completely changed the way i looked at food and my diet. As a pretty active person, i am a personal trainer, i dont have much weight to lose but i did lose centimeters and i feel less hungry all the time. I sleep better and enjoying food in general a whole lot more.
Thank you so much for everything and i will remain a member at
Regards from South Africa
Hi there
Thank you so much for your excellent 2 week programme and daily updates!
Its easy to follow, economical, the recipes are absolutely delicious and taught me to take my cooking to another level. It was great to understand moreover how much I could eat per meal. Its so handy to have had the shopping lists as well – helped me not to indulge in selecting indulgencies ☺ I also enjoyed the daily email updates – magnificent!
I think I am going to keep the 2 weeks plan as a sort of permanent eating plan. By the way, I managed to loose 2 kg’s – still 30 kg to go before I am at my goal weight.
With deepest gratitude
My husband and I have enjoyed the 2 week challenge we have both lost 3kgs and he has lost 10 cm’s off his belly me 5, even with lots of social events on. We have managed a chocolate free easter.
Regards Jane
I thought that the 2 week challenge was an excellent idea. The food was delicious and easy to prepare, I like the idea that there was alternatives if the food was not liked by anybody. Loved the idea of the shopping lists that were very comprehensive. I stuck to the diet and found that symptoms of indegestion and wind had completely disappeared – no wheat/ carbohydrates has made such a difference. Initially I found changing from low fat to high fat a little difficult to get used to but after 4 or 5 days I statrted to get used to it. I have lost 5.2 kg with no difficulties at all. I found the videos really motivating and plan to keep on with the diet, however I often skip breakfast because I’m simply not hungry.
Had a birthday celebration this weekend and had one small slice of birthday cake – result, stomach cramps and indegestion, back to low carb.
Many thanks
Are you ready?
The post More Low-Carb Challenge Success appeared first on Diet Doctor.
from Diet Doctor